Barrett's Esophagus News
- Does Anti-Reflux Surgery Cut Esophageal Cancer Risk?
- Frequency and Duration of GERD Associated With Poor Sleep
- Mutations May Predict Progression From Barrett's to Cancer
- Is There a Link Between Esophageal Risk and Sleep Habits?
- Endoscopists Outperform CADx in Predicting Polyp Histology
- DDW 2023 ChatGPT in Medicine: The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown
- Does Exercise Help or Hinder GERD?
- High Burden, Unclear Benefit of Barrett’s Screening in US
- Gastroparesis Referrals Often Based on Misdiagnosis
- Room for Improvement in Barrett Esophagus Care
- High Rates of Inappropriate PPI Use in Hospitalized Patients
- Patients at Risk for Barrett's Esophagus Rarely Screened
- Vonoprazan Promising for Erosive Esophagitis
- UEG 2022 Transnasal Endoscopy Tested in Primary Care for Esophageal Screen
- Barrett's Esophagus: AGA Screening Update 'Goes Above and Beyond'
- Common Endoscopic Procedure Needs Improved Quality Indicators
- More Reflux After Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Gastric Bypass at 10 Years
- DDW 2022 Alarming Increase in Esophageal Cancer in Middle-Aged Adults
- Noninvasive Esophageal Cancer Screening May Reach More Patients
- New Barrett's Esophagus Guideline Reduces Reliance on Endoscopy