Sex Matters with Dr Rachel Rubin


  • Erectile Dysfunction Rx: Give It a Shot   Dr Rachel Rubin shares her erectile dysfunction toolbox, revealing the wide array of treatments available for this common problem.
  • The Easy Way to Talk About Penises   Puns aside, assessing for ED shouldn’t be hard. Dr Rachel Rubin shares a tool that makes men more comfortable talking about erectile dysfunction.
  • 'Vaginal Dryness' Can Be Fatal. No, Really.   It sounds minor, doesn't it? A urologist connects the dots from a "little vaginal dryness" to a major cause of death in women, and tells you how easy it is to treat.
  • Don't Call Them 'Private Parts'   Sexual-medicine clinician Dr Rachel Rubin uses frank descriptions of anatomy and physiology to help patients improve their sexual health.
  • The Four Questions You Should Ask About Sexual Health   Dr Rachel Rubin shares the four things that patients care about when it comes to sex.