Everyday Diabetes: Practical Management for Primary Care
- ACP Glycemic Target Guidance: An Author Makes the Case
- Type 2 DM: The Case for the ADA Standards in Primary Care
- T2D Diagnosis at Younger Age: 'Scary Stuff'
- Dueling Type 2 Diabetes Guidelines: Sorting It Out
- 'Game Changer': Treat Diabetes and Also Reduce CV Risk
- Type 2 Diabetes in Kids: Don't Miss It
- Are Older Diabetes Drugs Safe and Effective?
- ADA 2018 Abridged Standards: Update for Primary Care
- National Diabetes Prevention Program: What You Need to Know
- Dosing Insulin: The Most Important Thing Is the Education
- How Well Do You Manage Diabetes in Latino Patients?
- Treat Hypoglycemia Fast, but How?
- CGM in Primary Care: Too Much Information or Excellent Tool?
- Covering All the Bases When Prescribing Insulin
- Complexities of Basal-Plus Insulin Therapy
- Hypoglycemia: How Low Is Too Low?
- Implementing Carb Counting in Primary Care: Helping Patients Master the Basics
- Oral Agents and Insulin: What, and for How Long?
- Insulin Resistance: When We Are the Problem
- Basal Insulins: Affordable Alternatives